Board of DirectorsAs the leading brand of consultant institution of Taiwan, CPC understands that a clear organizational vision and strategies are fundamental for sustainable management. Therefore under the managerial leadership of the Directors, Supervisors, Chairperson, and President, CPC developed and established comprehensive vision and strategic guidelines, enhancing the supervision of the functioning of the Board of Directors, respecting and protecting the interests and benefits of the stakeholders, increasing the transparency of information, and increasing organizational operation performance and practice the corporate sustainable management by abiding to the spirit of adhering ethical management principle, enacting various systems and guidelines and implementing corporate governance.
Governance Structure of Juridical Person
- Name of the Highest Governance Body: Board of Directors and Supervisors
CPC shall establish a Board of Directors consisting of 7 to 15 Directors. The number of Directors shall be an odd number, with 2 to 5 managing Directors chosen among and by the Directors.
The Board of Directors elects one of the managing Directors to serve as the Chairperson. The Chairperson represents the CPC externally. - Chairperson of Highest Governance Body: Chairperson Sheng-Hsiung Hsu
Operator of CPC-The Chairperson and President of CPC clearly articulate the organization's vision and strategy, ensuring that all employees and the public are informed. This shall serve as the foundation for sustainable management. - Conflict of Interest Management: CPC has established conflict of interest avoidance policies for all employees to follow, and there have been no unusual incidents to date.
Composition of Board of Directors and Supervisors
- The 28th Board of Directors and Supervisors consists of 15 Directors (with terms from 11th of January, 2021 to 10th of January, 2024), which includes 1 Chairperson, 5 Managing Directors (including the Chairperson), 10 Directors, and 3 Supervisors. Terms as 3 years.
- The CPC brings together elites from industry, government, academia, and research to form a robust governance Board of Directors and Supervisors, collectively leveraging their professional expertise from various fields.
The term of the 28th Board of Directors and Supervisors is from the 11th of January, 2021, to the 10th of January, 2024

Board Members: Equity and Diversity of Board of Directors and Supervisors Members
- The Board of Directors and Supervisors convenes joint meetings three times annually to review and supervise business performance. The meetings also focus on and discuss important sustainability and ESG strategy issues and key significant events, including economic, environmental, and human rights impacts, as well as associated risks and opportunities. Confirm the responsible unit for follow-up actions through the meeting, and provide a tracking report on the handling status at the next meeting Reported and resolution matters which are set forth in the law and regulations shall be reported in each Board of Directors’ meeting, such as business handling status, financial statement, audit report, and others.
- Promotion and implementation of each important business shall be presented in the all employees’ consciousness monthly meeting.
- Meeting minutes of each convened Board of Directors and Supervisors meeting were submitted to the Ministry of Economic Affairs for approval and kept in record.
Performance Evaluation
- According to the relevant laws and regulations, the related proposals are submitted for discussion by the Board of Directors and then sent to the competent authority for approval.
- The Board of Directors’ Meeting is convened at least once semiannually.
- Attendance Rate of each Board of Directors’ meeting if exceeds 2/3 of the board.
- If a relevant proposal involves a conflict of interest for a Director, the Director recuses themselves voluntarily, or the Chairperson has the responsibility to demand that the Director recuse himself/herself.
- Annual Continuing Education Hours for Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors understands and supervises the accounting system, financial condition and financial statements, audit reports, and their tracking.
- The Board of Directors oversees the various existing or potential risks of the company precisely.
- The Board of Directors maintains effective communication channels with the company's management team.
- Addressing sustainable development issues related to the economy, environment, and people/human rights through the ESG committee.
Material Topics Action Management Goal - Promote internal and external ESG enhancement measures
The CPC periodically provides training and development plans for Directors and Supervisors on issues related to ethical management and economic, environmental, and social aspects related to operations. This is done to maintain core values and professional advantages and capabilities, thereby actively and effectively implementing the corporate governance system.