Legal Compliance Management

Legal Compliance Management

Legal Compliance Policies

To achieve the goal of sound regulatory compliance management, CPC has established internal management regulations in accordance with the regulations of the Foundation Act, relevant provisions of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and national laws. CPC regularly reviews the list of regulations that must be followed in operations and revises internal management procedures according to the aforementioned legal requirements. These revisions are announced to all employees for compliance.

Legal Compliance Responsible Unit

Additionally, a Legal Office reporting directly to the President has been established as a primary division, specializing in the management and operations of CPC's legal compliance. Whether it is handling the implementation of government policy programs, promoting sound business management and learning growth, or internally ensuring a work environment that maintains occupational safety and health, and safeguarding working conditions and healthy living for employees, all must comply with legal regulations. Additionally, CPC requires its suppliers to be in compliance with these legal requirements in their operations.

Material Topics Action Management Goal - Ensuring Legal Compliance

Total number of Major Violation of Laws and Regulations Incidents (0)